- An offer to do yardwork? 为他们整理后院?
- We be to be Very abundance grateful if you get to do us an offer to 200 firsts dawn details. 假如你们能给咱们(购买)200台的详细报盘将不胜感激。
- Only two of them are told off to do the job. 只派了他们中的两位去做那件工作。
- Only two of them were told off to do the job. 只派了他们中的两位去做那件工作。
- He has refused an offer to fly back to Ghana. 他甚至拒绝了有关方面让其飞回加纳的提议。
- Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary labour. 许多青年工人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。
- Many young workers turned in their days off to do voluntary labour. 许多青年人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。
- Only two of them is tell off to do the job. 只派了他们中的两位去做那件工作。
- He made an offer to that handsome girl but was rejected. 他向那个漂亮女孩求了婚,但是被拒绝了。
- You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick. 关于你要跟。
- This is not an offer to buy or sell any funds referred to herein. 本文并不因此提议或邀请阁下买卖有关基金.
- Objective: Add an offer to give (grant) them one of your bases. 目的:增加一个提议给(授与)他们你的基地之一。
- You have to take your hat off to Uncle George, for he knows how to do business. 你必须向乔治叔叔脱帽致敬,他懂得如何做生意。
- All the local businessmen pitched in with an offer to meet advertising cost. 当地所有商界人士提供帮助以满足广告开销。
- David: You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick. 可你从没说过和帕崔做生意的事啊。
- All the local businessmen pitched in with an offer to meet advertising costs. 当地所有商界人士提供帮助以满足广告开销。
- She's been shunted off to an office in the annexe. 她已调到附属建筑的办事处去了。
- An offer terminate on the death of the offeror. 当发价人死亡,发价即被终止。
- I have an ocean of things to do. 我有许多事情要做。
- It is an impossibility for you to do so. 你那样做是不可能的事。